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Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 coming to an end.

It's been a while since I last posted (I'm not really committed .__.). Since it's close to the end of 2012, might as well post a little bit of something. There had been a lot of things that happened all through the year of 2012.

-pause for nail cutting session-

Okay, so I had gone through series of events (in no particular order, I am writing this down according to what I can remember)

  • Gotten braces on April I think.
  • Took violin exam and also theory exam (I passed both, yay!)
  • Got a new table (Moaaaaar spaaaaace)
  • Traveled to Brunei, Vietnam, Malacca and KL.
  • Received a new handphone as a birthday present. (Although I feel a bit regret because I don't really use the keyboard of the phone. I said that I prefer handphones with keyboards on it LOL)
  • Sis bought a graphic tablet for me.
  • I had this weird dizziness going on, some said I had low BP or some said I had balancing issues due to my ear. But thank God, after I went on that plane to KL, it disappeared LOL thanks plane!
  • Joined Amazing Music Camp, it was fun and tiring at the same time (cliche). I played the violin although I was slightly worried at that time, because me and my partner; he's a student from the school too; wasn't as good as the other 1st violinists. But we managed to do it with slight squeaky sounds and out of pitch tones. HEY I CAN PLAY I AM JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH LOL
  • I managed to cosplay Yuanji but only her school version cosplay for the 1st day, since the original version couldn't be finished in time due to some technical reasons. I had to join the march with the school version. Oh well, at least it turned out okay despite the fact that I have to endure the pain on wearing the high heel boots for a few hours. 2nd day was only casual. I joined a flash mob with Michael Jackson song! I enjoyed it! 
  • I accomplished on sewing the skirt for my Yuanji cosplay but my friend fixed it a little XD I'm gonna continue learning how to sew. I have so many cosplay plans going on through my head right now for next year. Otafuse and Hobbycon! Here I come! 
  • I gained a bit of weight. I maintained during the first few months and then it slightly went up and up. I'm worried I might go over 70kg. ;___;
The rest are same ol same ol, uni classes, teachings, exams, bla bla bla. I realized my elaborations get longer and longer LOL. Anyways, that's pretty much what happened for 2012, I've set up my resolutions for 2013. Have you? XD

  • No more procrastinations. Please. ;_; I just wanna finish everything on time. Assignments, and costumes.
  • Spend little, save more money. I just can't emphasis more. I really can't do budgeting like my dad. My dad is a little bit stingy when it comes to money. I have that trait but it depends on the situation. I have to save for fabrics, Streamyx bills, my car loan payment (dad says I can't rely on my mom anymore to pay the loan) and for my pleasurable stuffs (:P)
  • Lose 20 kg in maybe 3-4 months. I must have that slim body >3
Hmmm, I guess that's all I can think about at the moment. 2013 is a time for change definitely. But I'll savor the 2012 moments first and think about getting an Xbox + Kinect ASAP. DANCE CENTRAL BABEH. LU$H CREW FTW. BURN CALORIES AND SHOW THOSE DANCE MOVES HUEHEUHEUEHUEHEUHEUE.


Kay, bai. 
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